Thursday, January 2, 2014

Apa Azam Sempena Tahun Baru ye????

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Wardrove Story
Magazine Cover
General interest regular periodical (typically a monthly) covering several topics by short articles (typically about 3-pages long) by in-house and external authors, carrying black and white and color advertisements and graphics, and printed usually on glossy paper.

Printed collection of texts (essays, articles, stories, poems), often illustrated, that is produced at regular intervals. Modern magazines have roots in early printed pamphlets, broadsides, chapbooks, and almanacs. One of the first magazines was the German Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen (Edifying Monthly Discussions), issued from 1663 to 1668. In the early 18th century Joseph Addison and Richard Steele brought out the influential periodicals The Tatler and The Spectator; other critical reviews began in the mid 1700s. By the 19th century, magazines catering to specialized audiences had developed, including the women's weekly, the religious and missionary review, and the illustrated magazine. One of the greatest benefits to magazine publishing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the addition of advertisements as a means of financial support. Subsequent developments included more illustrations and vastly greater specialization. With the computer age, magazines (e-zines) also became available over the Internet.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cara Lipatan Baju Yang Pantas dan Mudah

You lazy to fold a cloth or shirt? 
You do not have the time to fold a cloth or shirt? 
You do not have a maid to fold the cloth?

Do not worry, check out this video to learn a quick and easy way to fold a cloth

“Smoking is a Bad Habit”

“Smoking is a Bad Habit”

Smoking of tobacco or tobacco products in any form is generally known as smoking. It has become fashion these days. The people young and old take pleasure in emitting clouds of smoke out of their mouths. Smoking is a bad habit. It is injurious to health.
Smoking can be done in two ways. Smoking of hooka or Hubble bubble was in vogue in olden days. In villages we could commonly see people gathering round a hooka and taking puffs by turns. Such scenes are becoming uncommon now. In hooka smoking the tobacco smoke was filtered through water. Now smoking of cigarettes, cigar, bidis or pipe is taking its place. This type of smoking is even more harmful, because unfiltered smoke goes direct to lungs. Smoking of cigarettes or bidis is becoming more popular these days.
In ancient India tobacco was an unknown thing. This plant was not cultivated in our country. Tobacco plant was brought to India from foreign lands. During the reign of Mughal emperor Jahangir an Englishman (Thomas Roe) who had come to seek trade relations with out country presented tobacco to Emperor Jahangir. He had brought some seeds of tobacco plant with him. From that time onwards smoking of hubble-bubble (hooka) became a matter of prestige the common people especially in villages. In due course of time it became a common habit and a grave social evil in India.
Tobacco contains nicotine which is a slow poison. It is harmful for the human body. Smoke goes directly to the lungs and harms them. It leads to many harmful diseases of the lungs and the respiratory system like asthma, tuberculosis or lung cancer. It harms the throat and cause cancer of the throat which is very common disease among the smokers.

Nowadays chewing of tobacco, Gutkha, Chtki, Pan Masala is becoming popular among young boys. Its use is also very common among the laboring classes because it is cheaper. Chewing of tobacco and tobacco products is all the more harmful. It is even more harmful than smoking. The poison direct to one’s mouth and throat. It causes cancer of the mouth or throat.
Even the government has come to realize the harmful effects of smoking. That is the reason why it has made it obligatory for the cigarette manufactures the written of statutory warning on each packet of cigarettes. ‘Smoking is injurious to health’ is written on each packet of cigarettes. It is pity that the people don’t’ care and do not abstain from smoking even after reading this warning. Smoking is a bad habit. It should be banned by the government.
It was Guru Gobind Singh the tenth Sikh Guru who spoke against the use of tobacco. He made it a religious tenet for the followers of his religion not even to touch tobacco. Smoking is prohibited in Sikhism. This wise step of the great Guru saved the Sikh community from the evil results of smoking.


The smoking is harmful for health. It is a bad habit. It spoils both the health as well as the money. Avoid this evil and help others to keep away from it. If someone in your family is a smoker, convince him and prevail upon him to give up this bad habit.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Kisah ni takda kena mengena dengan politik, Cuma admin nak share dengan semua pembaca APT... seorang pemimpin yang admin kagum. Tinggalkan politik sementara dan cuba baca jasa beliau dan isteri Tun Siti Hasmah pernah sumbangkan...

"Dari segi apa kamu menghukum Tun Dr Mahathir tidak memperjuangkan Islam ? Dari segi apa ? Tahukah anda Tun M pernah DITEMBAK di bahu kanan beliau ketika beliau ingin menyelamatkan umat Islam di Bosnia suatu ketika dahulu. Tapi beliau tak nak cerita pada sesiapa pun.

Malah, sebelum itu, Beberapa ahli kabinet beliau offer untuk pergi tapi beliau enggan.... Beliau kata "tak pa lah, kalau hangpa mati sapa nak jaga negara, biar saya pi sorang ja"

Kisah ini diceritakan sendiri tentera yang menjaga beliau ketika misi itu. Kuatnya hati beliau. Cekalnya hati beliau. Besarnya hati beliau:

1. Dia lah yang menggerakkan negara Islam yang lain untuk membantu Bosnia Herzegovina ketika umat Islam disana disembelih oleh pengganas Serbia.

2. Dia juga lah yang menghantar ratusan komando Malaysia yang dibawa masuk secara sulit ke Bosnia untuk membantu saudara seIslam kita ketika era pencerobohan dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai umat Islam di Bosnia ketika itu. “Kalau negara Arab ini tidak datang membantu, kita hantar sahaja askar kita,” - Tun Mahathir.

3. Dia juga lah berpakat dengan kerajaan Sultan Brunei menyediakan jumlah dana yang berjuta dollar untuk membeli senjata dan peluru anti kereta kebal untuk tentera Islam di Bosnia.

4. Dia lah yang pernah menangis ketika melawat Bunker yang menjadi pejabat Yasser Arafat di Palestin.

5. Dia juga lah pemimpin Islam yg Yasser Arafat hubungi meminta bantuan dan pertolongan ketika diserang oleh rejim zionis.

6. Dia juga lah yang mempertaruhkan nyawa isterinya,Tun Dr Siti Hasmah menaiki pesawat ke Baghdad membawa bantuan kemanusiaan kepada umat Islam demi untuk melepaskan sekatan Amerika Syarikat.

7. Dia lah yang digelar MahaFiraun dan dia jugalah yang lantang mengutuk kekejaman Yakjuj Makjuj / Zionis ke atas umat Islam serta mempertahankan Islam dimata dunia.

8. Dia lah yang berusaha keras, tak hanya duduk berdoa tanpa berbuat apa2.

9. Dia lah yang ketika saudara Islam yang berlainan parti mendoakan kecelakaan untuknya. Tapi dia diizin oleh Allah SWT masuk ke dalam KAABAH.

10. Dia jugalah pernah ditembak dan mengorbankan jawatan tertinggi yang beliau ada bagi menyelamatkan umat Islam di Bosnia.

Malah beliau kini dianggap sebagai seorang pemimpin dunia yang berjaya meskipun memimpin sebuah negara yang kecil. Beliau bukan hanya berjaya Memerdekakan negaranya dari semua segi, tetapi berusaha memerdekakan negara-negara lain dari belenggu falsafah pembangunan yang dijana dari barat yang jelas muflis idealistiknya..

Siapa dia? Ya.. dialah..